Digital Arts Projects

Fabrication: Moose Cord-wrap

Fall 2015

This project features Dartmouth College's unofficial mascot, the Dartmoose, in a spirited Dartmouth Green color. I designed this as a promotional piece for the Dartmouth Computer Science Department, and it was later distributed at the 2015 Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, which occurred on October 14-16 in Houston, TX. All modeling was done in Autodesk Maya 2015; prototypes (shown in white plastic) were printed on a 5th generation MakerBot, while the final prints (shown in green plastic) were printed at Shapeways.

Environment Modeling: Bedroom

Winter 2015

After being inspired by the vaulted ceiling, curved motif, and fun colors, I decided to model my bedroom for the first project in my digital modeling course (CS22). Below, you can find a series of final rendered images, along with a series of pictures that will give you a glimpse into the creative process that produced the final result you see below.

All modeling done by Liane Makatura for Professor Lorie Loeb's course, CS 22 3D Digital Modeling at Dartmouth College, Winter 2015.

Character Build: Griffin the Giraffe

Winter 2015

Inspired by Wong Fu's "Awkward Giraffe," I decided to create this lovable quadruped as my first 3D character in Maya. In just a few short weeks, I created Griffin the Giraffe from scratch-- watching him transform from a sketch, to a simple piece of geometry, to the fully rigged, skinned, bound and animatable character you see here. For a glimpse into my process, continue scrolling through the slideshow below!

All modeling and animation done by Liane Makatura for Professor Lorie Loeb's course, CS 22 3D Digital Modeling at Dartmouth College, Winter 2015.

Animated Short: Ursinus Maximus

Spring 2015

A surly hunter receives an unexpected visitor and finds that things are not always as they seem...except for karma.

Everything you see here was conceptualized, modeled, rigged, and animated in 10 weeks. Character design, modeling, and post production by Lisa Luo. Character rigging & skinning, interior design & modeling, general organization and technical support by Liane Makatura. Story concept, exterior design, textures, lighting, and hunter voiceover by Austin Moore. Animated by all.

Made in Maya, After Effects, and Premiere Pro by Lisa Luo '15, Liane Makatura '17, and Austin Moore '15 in CS 27/28 Advanced Projects in Digital Arts at Dartmouth College, Spring 2015. Thank you Professor James Mahoney and Lorie Loeb, as well as our wonderful classmates, for your guidance.

Graphic Design Exercises

Fall 2014

The following designs are selections from the weekly sprints and assignments I completed for CS29: Foundations of Digital Design, taught by Professor James Mahoney. My full portfolio from this class can be found at the following link:

Animated Short: Served.

Winter 2014

After spending many nights chasing the perfect serve as a member of Bangor High School's varsity tennis team, I decided to try transforming my end result into an animated short -- squeezing 4 years of training into a project done in 1 week's time, with only 9 weeks of experience under my belt. I spent hours rehearsing my serve, trying to remember the emotions I felt, the quirks and rituals I performed each time I walked up to the baseline T. Then, I tried to incorporate those pieces of myself into the film. Enjoy!

Character model was provided. All animation done by Liane Makatura for Professor Patricia Hannaway's course, CS 24 Computer Animation at Dartmouth College, Winter 2014.

Animation Exercises

Winter 2014

The following animations were done as part of the weekly exercises for Patricia Hannaway's course, CS24 Computer Animation. All models were provided, but all additional scene modeling and animation was done by Liane Makatura.